Oedipus Rex..

My children, generations of the living
In the line of Kadmos, nursed at his ancient hearth:
In supplication, with your boughs and garlands?
The breath of incense rises from the city
With a sound of prayer and lamentation.

- The Origin of Oedipus the King

My children, latest born to Cadmus old,
Why sit ye here as suppliants, in your hands
Branches of olive filleted with wool?
What means this reek of incense everywhere,
And everywhere laments and litanies?

-has been told in a story-telling fashion

Saturday, March 29, 2008

How to evaluate others in simulated teaching..

In evaluating others, we have to consider a few aspects. Evaluating also can be divided into several stages – set induction, pre-reading, while-reading but not including post-reading.
The first thing that should be considered is how my friends dressed up. This is important thing because a teacher must wear attire like a real teacher. May be some of my course mates did not think so because this is only a practice but for me, even though it is only a practice, we must consider all things.
Second, set induction is a very important stage for me. This is the very beginning of a lesson so, the teacher should do something to refresh students’ mind. Teacher can do something interesting as a set induction just to relate to the lesson and at the same time trigger students’ interest.
The pre-reading and while-reading stages are also important. A teacher who can make students pay attention to him is a good teacher. The activities must be appropriate with the level of proficiency. If the students are in intermediate level, the activities or exercises should not be too difficult and not too easy. The evaluation should not be focusing on the teacher only, but also the students. Either they pay attention to what is taught in front or they do something else.
Finally yet importantly, the language used by the teacher should be considered also. A teacher must show to the students that he or she speaks in correct grammar and fluent. The language is evaluated whether it is good or has a lots of grammatical error and sentence structure.
With all those aspects, I hope my course mates and I will approve our skill in handling a simulated teaching in class.

How it is to be evaluated by others in simulated teaching..

As a teacher candidate, simulated teaching is almost synonym with me. It is not easy for me because I think it is difficult to teach in front of crowded. Sometimes I got problems with my voice because I have tried to speak louder, but my friends still cannot hear my voice. Therefore, I have to work out harder to have a louder voice. Yeah.. I am going to be a teacher, and a teacher must have a clear voice to let students listen to you.
Being evaluated by others is good, because we will know our weaknesses and then, we can try to improve it. We usually do not know what our mistake is, or where is our weakness. Whether our dress is suitable for teaching or not, the preparation and the way we teach students. All of these elements are important for teaching.
In my opinion, the important part of simulated teaching is the set induction. Why I said so? It is important because it is the starting of simulated teaching. The beginning of the lesson should be interesting to trigger students’ interest and to open their correct schemata about what will be taught to them after that.
Although I have attempted several simulated teaching, I still feel nervous in handling the teaching. Nervous can make my simulated teaching disaster, but I try to control my nervous just to make sure that my teaching process is going smooth.
Evaluation by others should be namely secret so people can evaluate me frankly. Putting name on evaluation paper makes people tend to lie.

Friday, March 14, 2008


After we have watched the movie of ‘Shakespeare Walla’, then we were asked to watch the second movie, the famous one which is entitled ‘Macbeth’. This story is more fascinating because I already familiar with the name. ‘Macbeth’ is synonym with Shakespeare, so it is impossible if anybody of my course mates have never heard the name since it is very famous. The story line is very interesting I think and the most important thing is, I understand what the story is all about. It is a story of kingdom and royal family and Macbeth is one of the men who want to get the throne. He was willing to do everything including murder the king and then he accused someone else to hide his sin. He wanted people to see him as a good person and has honor to raise him as a king of the kingdom, but at last people know his trick. No matter what mistake we want to hide from people, they will know at the end. So guys please don’t cheat! Just be yourself.

Shakespeare Walla..

It was so exciting when my lecturer, Dr Malachi Edwin let us to watch a movie. Since we are studying the language of drama, he wanted us to watch ‘Shakespeare Walla’, an ancient movie. I was at a high spirit to watch it, but when my leader started the movie, my interest was going down. It is a black-and-white movie! May be it is a great movie or story to watch, but I got sleepy after a while. It is performed by most of Hindustanis and the languages were mixed, English and Hindustan. Sometimes I lost the meaning or plot because of the different use of language. Some other time I fall asleep, but I awoke after few seconds. It is a story about performers’ life. They performed plays, including Shakespeare’s. On stage they will act as written in script, but in their real life, it is very different. Although they had a quarrel among them in the real life, they will ignore about the quarrel on stage and acted as professionals, so that the audiences can feel the performance. Here I got the moral of the story, even though we have problems; do not show our problems while performing plays.