Oedipus Rex..

My children, generations of the living
In the line of Kadmos, nursed at his ancient hearth:
In supplication, with your boughs and garlands?
The breath of incense rises from the city
With a sound of prayer and lamentation.

- The Origin of Oedipus the King

My children, latest born to Cadmus old,
Why sit ye here as suppliants, in your hands
Branches of olive filleted with wool?
What means this reek of incense everywhere,
And everywhere laments and litanies?

-has been told in a story-telling fashion

Saturday, March 29, 2008

How it is to be evaluated by others in simulated teaching..

As a teacher candidate, simulated teaching is almost synonym with me. It is not easy for me because I think it is difficult to teach in front of crowded. Sometimes I got problems with my voice because I have tried to speak louder, but my friends still cannot hear my voice. Therefore, I have to work out harder to have a louder voice. Yeah.. I am going to be a teacher, and a teacher must have a clear voice to let students listen to you.
Being evaluated by others is good, because we will know our weaknesses and then, we can try to improve it. We usually do not know what our mistake is, or where is our weakness. Whether our dress is suitable for teaching or not, the preparation and the way we teach students. All of these elements are important for teaching.
In my opinion, the important part of simulated teaching is the set induction. Why I said so? It is important because it is the starting of simulated teaching. The beginning of the lesson should be interesting to trigger students’ interest and to open their correct schemata about what will be taught to them after that.
Although I have attempted several simulated teaching, I still feel nervous in handling the teaching. Nervous can make my simulated teaching disaster, but I try to control my nervous just to make sure that my teaching process is going smooth.
Evaluation by others should be namely secret so people can evaluate me frankly. Putting name on evaluation paper makes people tend to lie.


Joyce a.k.a Hoe-Yi said...

Hello, Wani. First of all, I would like to comment on your blog. It is very beautiful! Through the blog, it reflects your personality. You have put in effort to decorate your blog.
In being evaluated by others, I agree that it is a good learning ground for us in order to prepare us to become a better teacher in the future. If we are not evaluated, how are we going to know our weaknesses that need to be changed and improved?
From your blog, you have given me a new thought that actually teacher’s attire is being evaluated as well. Although I knew it, I put it in my subconscious mind. It is true that our attire will be evaluated as well.
Besides that, we learn to accept friends’ comments in evaluation. It is good that you know your voice volume now than being commented by students in the future. It is true that a teacher needs to have loud voice in order to attract students’ attention and show your confidence.
In my opinion, an evaluator should not be afraid to tell the truth to their friends since this is a learning process for everyone. It is true that sometimes we do not like others’ comments. However, by telling the truth, we only can learn. It is better to put the name on the evaluation paper because the teacher candidate can refer to the person who has commented him or her to get further clarifications.